
Academy in Phlebolymphology

Academic path

The Academy in Phlebolymphology is a one-year academic course aimed at doctors who wish to deepen their knowledge of the branch of Phlebolymphology to create a profession or an in-depth cultural background. We provide our experience and the support of the most advanced diagnostic, therapeutic and multimedia technologies to encourage the development of individual clinical-practical skills in the field of phlebo-lymphatic pathologies.


Academy in Phlebolymphology

12 months • Full time

The annual Academy path teaches how to recognize, counteract, and treat venous and lymphatic pathology, accompanying the learner on a didactic path in hyper specialization in order to safely and intelligently master phlebolymphological pathology.


Promote the development of individual skills in the field of phlebo-lymphatic pathologies
Identify and classify the most frequent phlebo-lymphatic pathologies
Master the best minimally invasive surgical techniques
Managing prevention, a cornerstone in phlebolymphological pathology
Train in the correct execution of compression therapy
Manage the therapeutic adherence and patient specialist compliance

We are finalising the definitive program. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated and to enroll in the Academy!